Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Found objects and holiday laziness

You may have noticed that I haven't been writing. There's a simple reason for that, which is that in true holiday spirit I haven't been working either. I took a week off for sanity, and then holiday season started in earnest so I just haven't had time to do anything. Lazy, lazy Amy.

In progress-related news though I now have one bathroom that actually has a mirror, sink, toilet and shower ALL IN THE SAME ROOM. I can't begin to describe the new level of luxury living that this has brought with it. All that's missing now is a door.

This house has a character of it's own, and I would honestly love to meet the last people who lived here because they were either really funny, really crazy, incredibly negligent or some combination of the three. I suspect it's crazy with a hefty dose of negligence, but I'd like to think they were funny on purpose sometimes too...

Along that vein, I'm going to post a list of found objects. The little pieces of the former owner's lives that they left behind. Mostly in highly mysterious places.

The Found-Object List of '08
  1. Decorative Marbles (2) - Found under carpet in master bedroom - wouldn't they have noticed the lumps?
  2. Child's teacup (1) - Found while digging out an herb garden. Within the earth of the backyard.
  3. Barbie's Pink Fetish Sandal (1) - Pink, strappy, fetish-height sandal for barbie. Can't tell if it's the left or right sandal because barbie has scary same-on-both-sides-feet. Also within the earth of the backyard.
  4. Toilet roll holder (1) - In the U-bend of the downstairs toilet. IN. THE. U-BEND. Seriously this would have taken some effort.
  5. Marbles (3) - also within the earth of the back garden. But for the lack of sand, I would think sandbox play-area.
  6. Scary toy shoes (2 - matched pair) - Marg - these look like they could have been your baby shoes. Also, in the garden. Can hardly get the plants in for all the flotsam and jetsam floating around in there.
  7. St. Arnold's Ale Mug (1) - In the tank of the upstairs toilet. Why? Who knows. Sick joke? Misguided attempt to use less water? Just couldn't think of a better place to keep it?
  8. Back-Scratcher (1) - on the roof. Where else would you put it?

I'm hoping '09 unearths (possibly literally) a similar collection of ecclectic oddness. Maybe at the end of this process I can make an installation peice or something. I do still have one toilet to remove and that seems to be a good hiding place...


Alice said...

don't forget the 3 bottles of bbq sauce!

Lucky said...

HA! You and Jan should totally compare notes on this ... she has a shoebox (literally) filled with things she has dug out of the back yard. In fact, I usually find her in the back yard digging in the dirt for her treasures. Kind of reminds me of Golem (my precious)

Amy said...

I could bury some of the BBQ sauce back there for her to find... I do have 3 bottles. ;)