Friday, November 21, 2008

One Room Done!!!!

I am feeling especially celebratory, as one room of the house is actually done. DONE!!! And it looks spectacular, if I do say so myself. The bamboo is in, the walls are painted, the ceiling is smooth as a baby's bottom. This means I have one clean, lovely room to live in while I slog about in the muck that is the rest of the house.

Actually, this whole week has been rather a success - one scary old toilet that didn't really flush has been replaced with a fancy new low-water-use version. The garbage disposal that shook the counter when it was turned on and made a noise like a Harley Davidson has been replaced with a quiet efficient disposal (and by me alone, I might add.) The bathroom has been mostly painted, now it just needs a floor... All in all I'm feeling rather smug and self-important like the Shera (SheRa? She-Ra? You know - female version of He-Man complete with bulging muscles and fake breasts) of home repair. She-repair maybe?

I also got to have the uniquely satisfying experience of smashing the old, non-flushing toilet into tiny little bits with a hammer, so as to be able to fit it in the trash bin. I would highly suggest this as an inexpensive and rather more fun alternative to therapy. Also, just in case you too have a non-flushing toilet, check your bathroom for obvious missing pieces such as, for instance, the toilet paper roll holder. There is a possibility that this missing item may indeed be lodged in the U-bend of the toilet, only to be discovered via toilet-smashing therapy. Hypothetically speaking, of course.

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