Sunday, November 9, 2008

The farting fish and barbieflesh

Among the various treasures left in the house, my favorite by far has to be the farting fish shower curtain. It's even better than the hand-glued, shell-encrusted bathroom light. Also better than the back scratcher that was (mysteriously) on the roof. The farting fish shower curtain is truly a work of art. It's designed in such a way that it could have been a terrible accident, or it could be subtle humor at it's best. I'd love to think that the last people who lived here were actually comic genius - I don't think I can keep it up for very long, but I would love to think that.

Jan and Marg, who are my favorite people on earth at the moment, came over and helped me paint on a Saturday night as if they had nothing better to do (bless their hearts!) so I actually have one room that looks almost like a real room! With the exception of the fact that it's been painted a color that has been lovingly renamed "barbie flesh." It looked very neutral on the sample, it looks pretty damn pink on the walls. Sigh. Everyone's been vastly optimistic, saying things like "furniture will really change that color - make it look less... well... more, um..." Yeah. Less like barbieflesh. I know.

Dad took me on the unfortunate floor-buying errand today as his Forrester will hold more than my Civic. It is a sad day when your near-70 year old father is trying to protect your youthful back by moving the 50lb boxes of tile himself. I will feel sooooooo guilty if he herniates anything. Of course Mom helped dig-in the 5 hydrangeas that I decided to plant along the back porch, so I'm not exactly sparing any of my loved-ones the agony of renovations. The good news is that now we have enough bamboo to do the floor in the barbieflesh room, and enough slate to do the floor in the farting fish bathroom so some time in the foreseeable future I may actually have a room to sleep in and a room to get clean in. Luxury!

As an Aside, my Aunt Lyn suggested that the house, in light of the omen, be renamed "One Flew Into the Cookoo's Nest." I'm pretty sure she's on to something...

1 comment:

Lucky said...

Ummm. Sadly Amy -- Jan and I REALLY didn't have anything better to do on a Saturday night. Great.