I feel like this summer took both an eternity and passed without actually taking up any time. The heat lasted forever, the months themselves flew right by. Between going back and forth to Colorado, going to visit the family in Canada, Natalie coming into the country for a road trip and the ridiculous kidney infection in the middle I'm not sure what happened. Anyway, it's September already and I'm clearly behind on my blogging (and everything else in my life).
The master bedroom is as good as it's going to get for a while, simply because I don't want to put the last bit of bamboo floor down before I do the master bath. I'd then have to carry tiles, floor boards, mortar, etc... over the bamboo and that just sounds like it's inviting trouble. Essentially that means it isn't going to be done any time soon. I do think it will look good though - check out the picture above! Obviously that door isn't going to stay mushed-pea green, that was the old color. Because we all love mushed-pea green, especially with a renaissance angel theme. I wish I was making this up, but that's really what they had in the master bedroom and master bath. Lovely.
The master bath has become the non-room. I just pretend it doesn't exist, which seems to work well for me. And for giggles, because I don't have enough of those, I tore up the downstairs bathroom too. Funny right? Right? Yeah. Retrospectively I'm not so sure about it either. It's just that the creepy seashell motif was really starting to get under my skin. In any case, it is now without popcorn ceiling, toilet, or really any identifying feature of a bathroom.
I'm thinking of painting it a dark green. Maybe? I'd like it to loosely coordinate with the living room, which currently has a warm brown, deep red, and sage green thing happening. Of course dark green in that little tiny room might make people feel like they're peeing in a confessional, which could be uncomfortable. Actually, I could go with that and pretend it's a deliberate poetic statement. It's not, but nobody has to know that I'm not being hugely ironic. In reality, I just like green.